Antitrust/Confidentiality Statement

Adopted by the CCSAA Board of Directors 4/21/20

Antitrust Policy Statement

Cross Country Ski Areas Association (CCSAA) is organized to promote the growth and improve the quality of cross country ski operations in North America.  CCSAA is not intended to, and may not, play any role in the competitive decisions of its members or their employees, or in any way restrict the competition in any aspect of the snow sports industry.

The Board of Directors, through this statement of policy, makes clear its unequivocal support for the policy of competition served by the antitrust laws and its uncompromising intent to comply strictly in all respects to those laws.  It is the individual responsibility of every member of CCSAA to be guided by the antitrust laws.  It shall be the special responsibility of any committee chair and association officers to assure that this policy is known and adhered to in the course of activities pursued under their leadership.

It is not the CCSAA role to act as an arbiter or judge of competitive conduct of industry members.  As such, this statement of antitrust policy is not a mechanism through which members should charge another member with alleged illegal action.


Confidentiality Statement

Each Board member shall keep confidential any and all information related to discussions at its meetings, including any and all materials, eg. correspondence, reports, etc., unless compelled by legal process to disclose such information, or as otherwise agreed by the Board.

Confidential information means any information or material that is proprietary to, or that is not generally known outside of CCSAA.  Confidential information includes, but is not limited to:  information about organization finances; special initiatives; operating plans; investment management; member information; personnel matters; internal discussions and other information deemed proprietary.